Hanna Almuti
Hi, I’m Hanna! What I love most about yoga is how it asks us
to get curious with all parts of ourselves, with non-judgmental
awareness and to establish a deeper relationship with our body’s
innate wisdom. When we let the yoga work through us, everything
becomes seen- the physical, the mental, the emotional, sometimes
the dance of them all together. In my classes, there’s room for all
of you here, all parts of you.
Every pose I suggest in class is an opportunity for you to make choices based on what your body needs in that moment. When we’re allowed to make choices from this place, we are building true self-trust to let ourselves live more authentically on and off the mat. I like to invite creative expression, increase present moment awareness, and use a combination of breath work, meditation, asana and somatic movement to gift a unique yoga experience. I am always here to support you and to hold a safe space to let your heart guide you in your practice.
Yoga has become my source of healing medicine and
it’s truly an honor to practice, teach, and learn alongside you. I
received my 200-hour yoga training in 2021 and am currently
completing my 300-hour training with Breathe Together Yoga in Los
Gatos, CA.